3 Apps to Help You Improve Your Mental Focus

Checking your Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter account isn’t something you should feel bad about – except when you’re spending more time cyber-loafing than focusing on your most important task of the day. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who’s digitally distracted. However, you don’t have to stay away from your iPhone to boost your concentration and productivity.  

Apps that Can Help Boost Your Concentration and Mental Focus

GPS for the Soul  

This app makes it easy for you to increase your attention and efficiency. They aim at teaching you how to control your stress levels. It uses HeartMath technology to detect your level of stress. Next, it helps you come up with your own “GPS Guides” to get back on track. The goal of these GPS Guides is to soothe your mind by filling it with reassuring quotes, calming images, and relaxing music.

Focus Booster

If you want nothing more than to improve your efficiency and productivity at work, this is the app for you! It runs a timer that lets you schedule and time your breaks. You can create 25-minute increments of work and schedule 5-minute breaks between each. After successfully completing about four sessions, you’ll be rewarded with a longer break.


Thanks to this app’s “spaced repetition” method, you can easily improve your memory and boost concentration. The app encourages you to concentrate on practical tasks such as memorizing phone numbers or recalling important events. It has a notification system that helps your brain retain bits of information that will stick to your long-term memory.

Use Technology to Improve Your Mental Focus!

Stop blaming online pursuits for your lack of focus. Use these apps to take a breather and improve your productivity. If you have any trouble loading them onto your iPhone, stop by your local store so that we can take care of it for you. You don’t have to schedule an appointment because our techs are always ready to assist you!

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